About Us
Hi-5 is a high-quality playschool and Afterschool service located on Manor Road Palmerstown Dublin 20.
Our aim is to offer a child-centred service ensuring each child feels happy, secure, loved and participates in developmentally appropriate activities.
We provide an activity and educational programme for children aged 2 to 6 years old. We offer full and part time places for toddlers and pre-schoolers including the ECCE scheme (Free pre-school year) .
We also offer summer camps and after-school care services including collection service from schools.
We are fully compliant with TUSLA and HSE regulations. We are also members of Early Childhood Ireland and fully insured. Our staff members are fully qualified and hold FETAC level 5 and 6 qualifications in childcare and education, up to date paediatric first aid certificates and are Garda Vetted.

We are open: Monday to Friday / September to June / Morning and Afternoon sessions.
Full Time places (5 days per week) 3 hours per day + 1h 15 min daily – Extra Class
Part Time Places (2, 3, 4 days per week) 3 hours per day
During the months of July and August we offer summer camp

We at Hi-5 Playschool understand that children and parents can be distressed when their child starts playschool. We will make sure that every effort is made to ensure that the settling in period is as easy and pleasant as possible for the children and their parents/carers.
Each parent is encouraged to spend as much time as necessary with the child during the settling in period. Most importantly we operate an open door policy and we welcome parents at any time of the day should they need to check on their little one or have a question, query or concern.